Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Vietnam War

Agenda 4/26-28:
  1. Students analyzed a series of documents addressing the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. They wrote group paragraphs answering the question, "Was the US planning on going to war in Vietnam before the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?"
  2. Students viewed a lecture Vietnam I focused on the causes, courses, and consequences of the Vietnam war. Here are the lecture notes. 
The Vietnam War:

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Vietnam: Keylor Reading Questions

Keylor - pages 337-347
  1. Who was Ho Chi Minh? Explain his resistance to the French.
  2. In what ways  did the US support France in the late 1940s?
  3. What happened at Dien Bien Phu?
  4. What were the conditions of the 1954 Geneva Accords?
  5. Why didn’t the US support the elections mandated in the Geneva Accords?
  6. What was SEATO?
  7. Who were the Viet Cong?
  8. What happened in the Gulf of Tonkin? What resulted from the incident?
  9. Make a simple graph of American troops in Vietnam over the course of the war.
  10. Identify the reasons for declining support for the war in the United States.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Origins of the Vietnam War

Agenda 4/18-22:
  1. Students listened to the song Machine Gun by Jimi Hendrix while viewing a series of photos from the Vietnam War. After, they brainstormed key terms that they related to prior knowledge of the Vietnam War.
  2. Students read and interpreted The Man I Killed, by Tim O'Brien.
  3. Students completed maps of Southeast Asia and began to answer reading questions from the Keylor text.
  4. Students watch a clip from the film Vietnam: Televised War - Episode 1 - The Roots of War. I stopped the clip at Ho Chi Minh's Declaration of Vietnamese Independece
  5. Students participated in a simulation debating Vietnamese Independence in 1945, between French and Viet Minh representatives.
Vietnam Maps and Keylor Questions

Monday, April 18, 2016

The Korean War

Agenda 4/15:
  1. Students were introduced to a breif history of Korea, emphasizing the occupation of the Japanese from 1910 to 1945.
  2. Students completed maps of the Korean War. They used this timeline to help label their maps.
  3. Students read about the Korean War in the Keylor text (pages 327-333). They answered these questions and turned in their work.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Course of WWI

Agenda 4/8:
  1. Students examined panels from the book The Great War by Joe Sacco. Students looked for examples of total war.
  2. Students analyzed a series of documents. These included propaganda and critical works. They keep track on a graphic organizer.
  3. Students wrote a group paragraph answering the question: Analyze and assess how advancements in technology impacted the battlefield in WWI.
  4. Students listened to the song One by Metallica, based on the antiwar book Johnny Got His Gun
  5. Students watched clips from the film War Horse depicting changes in warfare during WWI.
  6. Students began viewing a slideshow on WWI [below].
WWI Slideshow:

War Horse - Cavalry Charge:

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Causes of WWI

Agenda 4/5:
  1. I gave a lecture about the causes of WWI. Here are my lecture notes. 
  2. Students completed pre-WWI maps of Europe in 1914.
  3. Students began reading Keylor pages 39-45, answering these questions:
    • Who was responsible? Quote the text as evidence.
    • Describe the political structure in Germany prior to WWI. Identify the strong and weak parties. Explain their strength and weakness.
Keylor 39-45 - Prepare the above questions - DUE - Thursday 4/7

Monday, April 4, 2016

Types of Warfare

Agenda 4/1:
  1. Students read about different types of warfare in the 20th century. They organized the characteristics of these types of warfare on a concept map.
  2. Students then researched one of the course of one of the following conflicts, analyzing it in relation to the different types of warfare.
    • The Falklands / Malvinas War
    • The Spanish Civil War
    • The Algerian War
    • Nigerian Civil War
    • Iran-Iraq War
    • Gulf War
    • Indo-Pakistan War

End of the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Agenda 3/28-4/1:
  1. Students read an article about the Camp David Peace Accords. Students read excerpts from the Camp David Accords, differentiating between the Framework for Peace and the Egyptian-Israeli peace agreement. 
  2. Students participated in a text graffiti exercise. Students watched a clip from the film The 50 Years War [33:30 - 49:00].
50 Years War:

The Camp David Accords: