Students have been learning about Japanese expansion between World War I and II.
Students should see 1.1 - 1.3 in Oxford text. Activities included:
- Reading excerpt from The Rape of Nanking.
- Japanese expansion vocabulary
- Humorous video about Japanese expansion
- Japanese Expansion Mixer
- Paper 1 practice exam
- Video about Japanese expansion
- Students began working on group paragraphs reviewing German, Italian, and Japanese expansion. Directions below:
What were the causes and events of (Japanese, Italian, or German) expansion? What were the international response to this expansion?
- Write three group paragraphs.
- Select a scribe, take turns, or use a Google doc
- Refer to the materials you studied in class
- Use key terms from the lecture and class materials and underline them (vocab sheets).
- Include a brief thesis statement that answers the prompt.