Tuesday, March 28, 2017

20th Century War

Agenda 3/21-23:
  1. I introduced the last unit of the year: Cause and Consequences of 20th Century Wars. You need to get the Keylor textbook from the bookroom
  2. Students discussed different types of war. For example, total, guerrilla, limited, etc.
  3. I gave lecture about the origins of WWI [below].
  4. Students compared different historians arguments for the responsibilities of different countries for starting the world.
Causes of WWI:

Thursday, March 16, 2017

QUIZ: Japanese Expansion

Next class there will be a quiz. Below are the expansion reports that students worked on last class.

JAPANESE Expansion

ITALIAN Expansion
GERMAN Expansion

Monday, March 13, 2017

Japanese Expansion

Students have been learning about Japanese expansion between World War I and II. Students should see 1.1 - 1.3 in Oxford text. Activities included:
  1. Reading excerpt from The Rape of Nanking.
  2. Japanese expansion vocabulary
  3. Humorous video about Japanese expansion
  4. Japanese Expansion Mixer
  5. Paper 1 practice exam
  6. Video about Japanese expansion
  7. Students began working on group paragraphs reviewing German, Italian, and Japanese expansion. Directions below:
What were the causes and events of (Japanese, Italian, or German) expansion? What were the international response to this expansion?
  • Write three group paragraphs.
  • Select a scribe, take turns, or use a Google doc
  • Refer to the materials you studied in class
  • Use key terms from the lecture and class materials and underline them (vocab sheets).
  • Include a brief thesis statement that answers the prompt.

Friday, March 3, 2017


Agenda 2/27-3/2:
  1. Students listened to a podcast about Mussolini's rise to power. They took notes using this worksheet.
  2. Students read an article about violence and the Fascists. They held a student discussion, drawing similarities and differences to the Hitler. They also discussed Trump's campaign and supporters in light of the reading.
  3. Students watched the first 22 minutes of the film, Road to War: Italy, about Mussolini's rise to power [below].
  4. Students researched different events in Italian expansion prior to WWII.They collected notes using this worksheet.
  5. Material studied in class is covered in the Oxford text pages 87-104.